About Me
Posted on September 15, 2023 • 1 minutes • 195 words
Hi there, welcome to my about me page. I’m glad you’re here, because I have a lot to say. Let me start by telling you a little bit about myself.
I was born in Iran in 1989, the same year as Taylor Swift and Daniel Radcliffe. I have a masters degree in biomedical engineering, which means I know a lot about how the human body works and how to design devices that can help people.
I’m passionate about programming in python, especially web development. I think it’s amazing how you can create beautiful and functional websites with just a few lines of code. I also love sci-fi books, sci-fi movies and new technologies. Some of my favorite authors are Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke and Philip K. Dick. Some of my favorite movies are The Matrix, Blade Runner and Interstellar. Some of the technologies that fascinate me are artificial intelligence, virtual reality and biotechnology.
On this blog, I plan to post about things that interest me, such as python projects, sci-fi reviews, tech news and more. I hope you enjoy reading my posts and feel free to leave your comments and feedback. Thanks for visiting!