September 25, 2023

All About Markdown 🗒️

Posted on September 25, 2023  •  1 minutes  • 121 words
Table of contents


A simple text file that looks good! We can kind of call it the html of plain text

A title in markdown is simply shown by a single-pound sign followed by a single or multiple spaces -> # , and as you add to the number of pound-signs (like ## or ###), you decrease the size of the title.

# this would be <h1> title
## and this would be <h2> title
###### this then would be an equivalant of <h6>

As for Bold or italic words

two asterixes around words or phrases makes them “bold”, and one asterix around them makes them “Italic 1"

  1. now all I say here will be shown as a foot note ↩︎

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